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How To Tell If A Tarot Deck Is Fake Or Real

 Yes, there are fake Tarot Decks, everything has a fake version. But how do you tell if they are fake, well there are a few ways... 1. They are smaller You can tell they are knockoffs if they are smaller than the real deck 2. They are poorly printed The colors are off, the picture is blurry or pixelated, the print is hart to see or read.  3. They come in a flimsy box The box itself should be good quality, so you can tell if they are fake if the box is bad quality. 4. The cards are printed on thin floppy paper The cards themselves need to be sturdy enough to hold up and go through shuffling.  5. The colors are off or no color at all If the colors are not what they are supposed to be then that is a red flag. 6. Look at the price, sometimes the price is too good to be true Sometimes things are cheap, which can be nice but it can also mean the product is not great quality.  7. Cards are missing A standard Tarot deck consists of 78 cards. They are divided into two groups: the major arcana,

Talk About Things You Like

In a world full of horrible things we could always use more positivity. So talk about things you like, things that make you happy.  If a game does something you like, you should talk about it. Maybe an update adds something you like or the game already had that thing.  Maybe you like a movie or something that a movie did, maybe the movie had great visuals or a great soundtrack.  I mean, yes it's good to talk about things we don't like so people know what to not do, but if we don't talk about things we do like they won't know what to do and we also need more positivity.  I see way too much negative shit, everyone is always talking about bad things, sure we need to talk about bad things but we also need to focus on good things too. Get out there and talk about things you like. ☮

How To Give Back To The Earth

 You use the earth every day, constantly. So how can you give back to her?  Reduce, reuse, recycle, reduce the plastic you use or try not using any plastic at all, recycling and reusing things is easy and a great way to help the earth. Wear clothes with no or less plastic, buy glass bottles, metal straws, etc.  Plant plants, there are all kinds of plants you can plant, plant a tree or flowers, make a garden.  Try walking, biking, rollerskating, rollerblading, etc instead of using a car, it's easy to just get into the car and get somewhere fast, but walking can help save the planet.  Turn off electronics when not in use Take short showers, using less water is important.  Eat less meat, as humans we need all kinds of different food, but some food we are eating hurts the earth more than others, the more we eat cows the more cows are being born, and the more they fart and destroy the ozone layer, so cut back on the beef, also beef isn't the best to eat because it's red meat.  W

What To Do (And Not Do) When You Know Someone Is Depressed

  Here are the do's and don'ts when you know someone is depressed:  Do's Do let them know you are there for them Do stay calm Do be patient Do have empathy Do try to understand them Do take care of yourself before taking care of others (you can't take care of them if you aren't taken care of first) Do be supportive  Do always respect them Do be there for them when you can Do help them take care of any injuries (but only if they allow it) Do listen to them Do uplift them and try to make them feel better Do research Do maintain boundaries Do check on them Don't Don't force them to tell you or talk to you about it Don't judge them Don't force them to do anything they don't want to do Don't try to control them Don't ignore them completely but don't overly focus on them Don't call them attention seeking for being depressed Don't dismiss their feelings Don't try to push them to answer any questions you have and don't ask a m

Low Cost Witchcraft Things (That You Probably Already Have)

These things can be cheap and/or you probably already have them somewhere. If you don't have them then you can go to pretty much any store and get them.  Herbs Candles Bowls of water Pen & Paper Fabric Jars Salt Dirt/Sticks/Flowers/Rocks/Crystals/Gems Journals/Sketchbooks Color Magic Mirrors Printing things (tarot cards or sigils) Yarn/String/Cord Paint Clay You can get these things at all kinds of stores or you might already have them (or you can just make them). Just look around for them. Pretty much anything can be used for witchcraft. 

Things People Say But Are Complete Lies

Things people say but are complete lies... 1. Trauma Builds Character/Trauma Makes You Stronger  Most of the time trauma makes people worse, not stronger. Trauma makes people depressed, makes people want to die, makes people question themselves, makes people feel like they are crazy, etc, people shouldn't have to go through this stuff to be strong or be seen as strong.  2. It's Just A Joke!! Usually when people say this it's when someone is bullying someone. Bullying isn't funny or a joke, bullying is cruel and horrible.  3. It Will Get Better It doesn't always get better, sometimes it actually gets worse. Sometimes it stays the same. but usually it seems to get worse.  4. You Can't Be Moral Without God That is the biggest lie ever, i and so many people are good people without believing in a god or gods. Stop spreading this horrible idea. 5. You Will Never Get Anywhere With _____ Job I have seen this one so many times with different kinds of jobs... like when so

Movies, Shows, and Games with POC representation

 People of color don't have much rep in the media  So here is a list of some that do:  Movies and Shows: The Owl House She Ra and the Princesses of Power The Sandman What We Do In The Shadows Our Flag Mean Death Black Panther Umbrella Academy Wendell & Wild Dragon Prince Blade Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Fullmetal Alchemist  Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Steven Universe Carmen Sandiego Encanto Us Princess and the Frog Monster High Ever After High Love, Victor Coco Merlin First Kill RWBY 6Teen Get Out JoJos Bizarre Adventures Lolirock Doctor Who Moana Candyman My Hero Academia Rainbow High Avatar: The Last Airbender The Legend of Korra Afro Samurai Nope The Craft Aladdin Disney Descendants Last Of Us Vampires vs. the Bronx Sweetheart The Little Mermaid Nanny Strang World Lightyear Video games: Cookie Run Monster Prom Dead By Daylight Amanda The Adventurer Detroit: Become Human SMITE Until Dawn Blade Final Fantasy Left 4 Dead 2 Resident Evil 5 The Walking Dead Apex Legends M