Learn The Pride Flags And What They Mean ๐Ÿณโ€๐ŸŒˆ

 Here is a list of pride flags and what they mean: 

Pride Flag
This pride flag is for all LGBT+ people

Philadelphia Pride Flag

Pink Stripe Pride Flag

Progress Flag

Intersex Inclusive Flag

LGBT+ Flag of South Africa

Queer Pride Flag
This one is also for all LGBT+ people

Gilbert Baker Pride Flag
Gilbert Baker was an American artist, designer, and activist, best known as the creator of the rainbow flag. He sadly died in 2017.

Lesbian Pride Flag

Gay Flag

Bisexual Falg

Transgender Flag

Intersex Flags

Agender Flag

Asexual Flag

Aromantic Flag

Genderfluid Flag

Genderqueer Flag

Polysexual Pride Flag

Omni Flag


Pangender Flag

Nonbinary Flag

Demigender Flag

Demi girl flag

Demi boy Flag

Demisexual Flag

Demiromantic Flag

Moon Lesbian Flag

Polyamorous Flags

Aporagender Flag

Bigender Flag

Greyromantic Flag


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