How To Give Back To The Earth

You use the earth every day, constantly. So how can you give back to her? Reduce, reuse, recycle, reduce the plastic you use or try not using any plastic at all, recycling and reusing things is easy and a great way to help the earth. Wear clothes with no or less plastic, buy glass bottles, metal straws, etc. Plant plants, there are all kinds of plants you can plant, plant a tree or flowers, make a garden. Try walking, biking, rollerskating, rollerblading, etc instead of using a car, it's easy to just get into the car and get somewhere fast, but walking can help save the planet. Turn off electronics when not in use Take short showers, using less water is important. Eat less meat, as humans we need all kinds of different food, but some food we are eating hurts the earth more than others, the more we eat cows the more cows are being born, and the more they fart and destroy the ozone layer, so cut back on the beef, also beef isn't the best to eat bec...