
Showing posts from April, 2024

How To Tell If A Tarot Deck Is Fake Or Real

 Yes, there are fake Tarot Decks, everything has a fake version. But how do you tell if they are fake, well there are a few ways... 1. They are smaller You can tell they are knockoffs if they are smaller than the real deck 2. They are poorly printed The colors are off, the picture is blurry or pixelated, the print is hart to see or read.  3. They come in a flimsy box The box itself should be good quality, so you can tell if they are fake if the box is bad quality. 4. The cards are printed on thin floppy paper The cards themselves need to be sturdy enough to hold up and go through shuffling.  5. The colors are off or no color at all If the colors are not what they are supposed to be then that is a red flag. 6. Look at the price, sometimes the price is too good to be true Sometimes things are cheap, which can be nice but it can also mean the product is not great quality.  7. Cards are missing A standard Tarot deck consists of 78 cards. They are divided into two gr...

Talk About Things You Like

In a world full of horrible things we could always use more positivity. So talk about things you like, things that make you happy.  If a game does something you like, you should talk about it. Maybe an update adds something you like or the game already had that thing.  Maybe you like a movie or something that a movie did, maybe the movie had great visuals or a great soundtrack.  I mean, yes it's good to talk about things we don't like so people know what to not do, but if we don't talk about things we do like they won't know what to do and we also need more positivity.  I see way too much negative shit, everyone is always talking about bad things, sure we need to talk about bad things but we also need to focus on good things too. Get out there and talk about things you like. โ˜ฎ