How To Attract Fairies Part 3: Spring Cleaning To Help Bring In Fairies


De-clutter (donate old clothes)



Wash your windows (open them too for fresh air)

Go Green

Wash your cabinets

Clean the fridge

Clean the oven

Clean bedding

Clean the microwave

Organize the junk drawer

Wash your curtains

Throw away expired cosmetics

Clean your makeup brushes

Dust your shelves and desk (ceiling fan, light fixtures)

Clean kids toys (and other toys)

Kill any bugs or let them outside 

Clean your washing machine/De-fuzz the dryer

Disinfect your electronics

Organize and clean purses/bags

Clean your vacuum

Wash your broom

Wash trash cans 

Wipe down outdoor furniture

Clean the shower/bath

Clean your shoes

Clean Your Mattress

Clean under your bed and sofa

Clean out your closet

Clean your sinks

Clean Dishwasher

Clean Garbage Disposal

Clean the Bathroom Fan

Check Your Smoke and CO2 Detectors

Clean Sliding Door Tracks and window sills

Clean your door (and other outside things)

Clean the gutters 

Clean the grill


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