How To Attract Fairies

 1. A Garden (its easier to meet or see fairies in nature)

plants (Moss and Bark)

flowers (Coneflower, Jasmine, Violets, Foxglove, Bluebell, Marigold, Rosemary, Daisy, Lavander.)



crystals (quartz, Amethyst, Chiastolite, Pyrite, Apache Tears, Citrine, Aquamarine, Celestite, Tree Agate)


Petrified wood

water fountain

shiny, sparkly things (crystals and jewelry)


attract animals and bugs too (butterflies, dragonflies, birds, bees, squirrels, etc)

make a fairy garden with a fairy house

don't use household garden products that are full of chemicals and pesticides because faeries find them to be a repellent

2. Food








sweet baked goods

3. Be kind to wildlife and the earth


Reuse whenever you can

Be considerate of all life forms

Support the efforts of others to save our wildlife and environment

4. Give Them Some Space

Dot be pushy

Let them take their time

5. Play music

sing or hum

play an instrument

6. Make sure you invite the nice fae

Like humans, there are fairies that can be mean or tricksters so be sure to not accidentally invite the mean ones

Tell them (the nice ones) they are welcome

You can also do this ritual:

This ritual is best performed around Beltane or Midsummer but can be performed any time of the year your garden is blooming. Begin by setting your flowers, candle, and offerings on your garden or fairy altar. Light the candle and say,

What You'll Need:
flowers (Lamb's ear, Yarrow, Coneflower, Rosemary, Lavender, Rose, Lilac, Morning Glory, Foxglove, Thyme)

white candle
the offering of quartz and cream/whole milk

"Fair fairies from near and far,
I invite you to dance in my yard.
Please stay awhile,
And brighten my garden with your smiles.
Bless these herbs and flowers,
And fill them with magical powers.
Use your magic to help them grow,
By the light of the moon's glow.
Accept these giftes I give to thee,
By my will, so mote it be."

Once you are finished, spend time with your altar until the candle burns low. Try and sense the fairies you have invited. You may feel the hair on your arms stand up or as if something is playing with your hair or ear. Leave the offerings on the altar overnight. Do not consume any of the food offerings you leave for the fairies. It is considered rude and disrespectful. Also, don't expect the offering to disappear. Fairies consume the astral or spiritual essence of the offering. Leave the quartz on the altar indefinitely.

7. Clean, Fairies like clean

fairies don't like dust and mess

8. You can even say this

"Fairies, the child in me

Let's happiness be

Push away dark clouds

Let joy flow free"

9. Faires like certain colors (The colors you see in nature)







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