So if you are reading this you probably have a kid who came out or you think maybe your kid could come out to you. What you should do is stay calm, don't blow up or freak out because coming out is already hard to do so don't make it harder for them. You should smile and hug them, and be happy they are brave enough to come out to you. Don't ask them when they choose to be LGBT+, no one chooses to be LGBT+. Don't tell them they are going to hell, not everyone believes in hell, and why would love make someone go to hell. Don't tell them they are a disappointment because them being gay shouldn't make you disappointed. Don't tell them they are an abomination, because that is so horrible to say. Don't kick them out. Don't start preaching the word of god to them thinking it will save them, they don't need saving. Don't send them somewhere expecting them to come back and be cis and straight. You should love them, respect them, ac...