How To Learn Someones Pronouns (Or Name)

 Everyone (or most) has pronouns, and it is respectful to use the ones they ask you to use. This can go for names too. 

So how do you learn these pronouns and how do you get into using them.

1. Ask them their pronouns, asking is the best way to know, and you can start getting into the habit of using the right ones. If they are trans they could be too scared to tell you their real pronouns, so make sure you make it known you are safe to be around. 

2. Look at any social media they have, lots of people put their pronouns in their bio or have said what pronouns they use in a post. This works if you don't want to ask them, like if you are to scared or shy to ask then you can check this way. Now not every trans person is out on social media so this may not always work. 

3. Listen/read what others call them, people who talk to them or about them probably/might know their pronouns. Now not every trans person is out to everyone and not everyone knows other peoples pronouns, so this may not always work.

So once you know how do you keep using the right ones? Try thinking about them as you use the right pronouns, or talking about them using the right ones. Maybe wright about them using the correct pronouns. NEVER use the wrong pronouns, you might mess up here and there but if you are really trying don't misgender them on purpose. 

How To Learn Someones Pronouns


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