How To Look (And Act) Like A Vampire

 So let's start with how to look like a vampire

You could just make yourself look like everyone else and act like a vampire because obviously, a vampire would want to try their best to blend in with humans, but seems more fun to actually look a little more like a vampire too.

1. Wear dark colors, black, dark red, dark blue, dark green, etc. 

2. Make yourself a little paler (don't use clown makeup because that will make you look like a clown)

3. Wear red or black lipstick (optional)

4. Wear colored eye contacts, preferably red (optional)

5. Wear fangs, but if your teeth already look more sharp then you can stay with your normal teeth

6. Wear dark makeup around your eyes to make them look more sunken in, give yourself that dead look

7. Be awake at night and only go out at night if you can, if not try to stay in the shade when out during the day

8. Drink red drinks, or put red dye in them.

9. Wear old clothes and jewelry, this can help make you look older than you appear.

10. Make your nails long and pointy and you could even paint them black or red. (optional)

11. Take care of your teeth, keep them clean, people think of clean teeth when they think of vampires.

12. Dye your hair black (optional)

13. Keep your face clean, people think of a clean face with no flaws when they think of vampires. 

Extra tips: Always take off makeup when you go to sleep, makeup isn't good to keep on all the time.

How to act like a vampire:

1. Act like you have been around/alive for a long time, make sure you know your history and talk as if you were there yourself and seen all of it with your own eyes, you can also learn a few languages as if you have been to many different places over the years. Latin is a good one. 

2. Act like you are a higher being than humans, vampires are usually seen as narcissistic or self-serving (optional and if you do don't be a complete dick you aren't trying to make people hate you are trying to make them think you are a vampire)

3. If you see or smell blood act like you can stay and like you could lose yourself (obviously if it is a serious situation then you need to take it seriously, drop the act and take it seriously)

4. You should know everything about your vampire persona, likes and dislikes, wants and fears, you should always have an answer for any question someone asks you. Know your vampire lore and history. 

5. Have a soul-piercing gaze. Try to look right through people. To achieve this effect, you should practice an unblinking gaze that you can hold for what is seemingly longer than humanly possible.

6. If you ever do end up in sunlight you should quickly go to a spot that is in shade. You could act like it hurts or irritates you. 

7. Act a little more serious, vampires aren't known for being super happy and bubbly. 

8. Read old books, reading older books can help you learn and make you look like you are older than you appear. 

9. Keep your room/home dark, have dark curtains that block the sunlight. 

10. Act calm and together most times. 

11. Act uncomfortable around christian things, churches, crosses, etc. 

Extra tips: Don't go around "biting" people, this is just about pretending and not going to the extreme.  

 If you need inspiration then try watching vampire movies/shows, reading vampire books, or playing video games with vampires in them.

Vampire movies/shows:



Interview with a Vampire

Monster High

What We Do In The Shadows


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The Lost Boys


First Kill


Vampire Knight

From Dusk Til Dawn

30 Days Of Night

Vampires vs The Bronx

The Munsters

Dark Shadows

American Horror Story: Hotel/American Horror Story: Double Feature

The Vampire Diaries

The Originals



Vampire Books:

Interview with the Vampire
The Vampyre
The Vampire Chronicles

Vampire Video Games: 


Sims 4


Monster Prom

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood And Wine


Resident Evil Village

A Vampyre Story

Blood Omen 2

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Dawnguard

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds

Vampire Night


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