How To Spot A Merperson

 Throughout history, merpeople have been seen by many people, yet it's still hard to spot them. They are good at hiding from people. Maybe this list will help us spot them better...

Let's start with what merpeople look like: 

Obviously, we know merpeople as half human half fish, but what if they are in a human form. Yes human form, in a lot of stories merpeople can make themselves have legs. 

Merpeople will most likely wear colors we see in the ocean and sea, blue, green, indigo, aquamarine, black, coral, orange, yellow, red, aqua, pink, purple, grey, white, etc. 

Some merpeople wear jewelry, that jewelry will (probably) have something to do with the ocean and/or sea. Sea shells, pearls, sea glass, coral, sea stars, etc. 

Merpeople will have hair that looks like it just dried from being in the water, look for wavy hair. 

Merpeople will most likely wear shoes that are easy to take off and are open-toed.

Merpeople can have any skin tone/color and any hair color.

Some wear charms that are enchanted that will keep them from turning.

How do merpeople act? 

Merpeople of course love the ocean and sea and are always drawn to water.

Merpeople are good singers, they have a beautiful singing voice. 

Merpeople are naturally good with animals and are always kind to animals. They might even have a fish take with their fish friends in it.

Merpeople are kind to the earth and ocean and want to take care of the earth and the ocean. 

Water makes merpeople sprout their tail, so they have to stay dry when around other people, so they have to be careful to keep their secret hidden.They might act scared of water around other people to keep out of trouble.

Merpeople don't eat fish, fish are their friends... unless they eat meat and don't keep fish as pets.

Merpeople are usually nice to people. 

Merpeople know a lot about the ocean/sea and the things that live in the water. 

Merpeople living on land would be homesick so they would most likely decorate their land home with ocean/sea-themed things. 

Merpeople are affected by the moon, just like the sea, so they will act differently on a full moon, so watch out for a full moon. 

Merpeople are good at swimming, they live in the water so of course they are good at swimming.

Do you know any merpeople?


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