Pointlessly Gendered Products

 I'm sure we have all seen some things that are gendered and there is no reason for these things to be gendered, its nothing new (sadly). This bs needs to end, but let's laugh at how dumb this is before then.

These cards 

It's the same damn card, just small differences. 

Men's Bread?

This makes 0 sense. 

Mens bath bomb

Why can't men just have the other ones? 

Girl eggs and boy eggs?

Just eat eggs.

Manly socks and womanly socks

They are just socks, just get the ones you like.

Girl brush and boy brush

It's the same brush

Bibs too

Just let the poor kids eat in peace


I guess people have different ears based on their gender. 

It's just a tin box

Why can't kids just have a tin box they like?

Sponges too?

It's the same damn thing, just different colors!!


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