Overwatch 2 All Hero Ages (And Birthdays)

 Sometimes ages of characters are a little confusing, so here is an easy list of all the heroes ages in Overwatch 2...

Ana Jan 1 (Age: 62)

Ashe Oct 1 (Age: 41)

Baptiste Mar 12 (Age: 38)

Bastion Unknown (Age: 32)

Brigitte Sep 22 (Age: 25)

Cassidy Jul 31 (Age: 39)

D.va Jun 22 (Age: 21)

Doomfist May 25 (Age: 47)

Echo Feb 5 (Age: 14)

Genji Oct 28 (Age: 37)

Hanzo Nov 3 (Age: 40)

Illari  Dec 21 (Age: 18)

Junkerqueen Jun 14 (Age: 31)

Junkrat Feb 29 (Age: 27)

Kiriko Jul 7 (Age: 21)

Lifeweaver Apr 28 (Age: 31)

Lucio Mar 20 (Age: 28)

Mei Sep 5 (Age: 33)

Mercy May 13 (Age: 39)

Moira Apr 4 (Age: 50)

Orisa May 9 (Age: 1)

Pharah Apr 15 (Age: 34)

Ramatra Mar 29 (Age: 28)

Reaper Dec 14 (Age: 60)

Reinhardt Jun 26 (Age: 63)

Roadhog Sep 12 (Age: 50)

Sigma Mar 15 (Age: 64)

Sojourn Jan 12 (Age: 47)

Soldier 76 Jan 27 (Age: 58)

Sombra Dec 31 (Age: 32)

Symmetra Oct 2 (Age: 30)

Torbjorn Sep 21 (Age: 59)

Tracer Feb 17 (Age: 28)

Widowmaker Nov 19 (Age: 35)

Winston Jun 6 (Age: 31)

Wrecking Ball Oct 15 (Age: 16)

Zarya Dec 4 (Age: 30)

Zenyatta Jul 14 (Age: 33)

All of these are from the official Overwatch (Blizzard) website.


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