What To Do (And Not Do) When Someone Is Self Harming

  These are the dos and don'ts of how to handle someone self harming:


  • Do let them know you are there for them
  • Do stay calm
  • Do be patient
  • Do have empathy
  • Do try to understand them
  • Do take care of yourself before taking care of others (you can't take care of them if you aren't taken care of first)
  • Do be supportive 
  • Do always respect them
  • Do be there for them when you can
  • Do help them take care of any injuries (but only if they allow it)
  • Do listen to them
  • Do uplift them and try to make them feel better
  • Do research
  • Do maintain boundaries
  • Do check on them
  • Do call an ambulance if you need to (only if you need to, don't waste their time)

  • Don't force them to tell you or talk to you about it
  • Don't judge them
  • Don't force them to do anything they don't want to do
  • Don't try to control them
  • Don't ignore them completely but don't overly focus on them
  • Don't call them attention seeking for self harming
  • Don't assume they will or want to kill themself, not everyone who self harms wants to commit suicide too
  • Don't dismiss their feelings
  • Don't try to push them to answer any questions you have and don't ask a million questions
  • Don't tell them to get over it
  • Don't make them feel guilty or shame
  • Don't go around telling anyone and everyone
  • Don't try to make them hurt themself
  • Don't make jokes about it
  • If they are male don't tell them to man up
  • Don't laugh at them
  • Don't talk down to them
  • Don't tell them other people have it worse
  • Don't tell them to cheer up
  • Don't tell them they don't have a reason to feel like that
  • Don't downplay how serious it is
  • Don't compare them to other people
  • Don't tell them they should be grateful for all the things they have


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