How To Start Manifesting

 There are many ways to manifest... you just need to try them. 

1. Make a journal just for manifesting

Wright down what you want, adding details will make it better

2. Make a vision board

Put pictures and quotes on a board and put it somewhere where you will see it a lot

3. Manifest as you go to sleep

When you are lying in bed you can think about all of the things you want to manifest

4. Surround yourself with positivity

Obviously, you shouldn't have toxic positivity, it is called toxic for a reason, but if something makes you happy and it isn't hurting anyone then keep it around

5. Say positive affirmations

There are many positive things you could say, i wouldn't go as far as lying to myself but if it's true then say it.

6. Practice the 369 manifestation method

  • 3 times in the morning

  • 6 times throughout the day    
  • 9 times in the evening  


7. Fake it till you make it 

I feel like this one is kinda self-explanatory... 

8. Visualize what you want

See it in your mind or make something that is as close as you can to what you want

9. Meditation

Meditate on what you want

10. The Pillow Method

Wright something down and put it under your pillow, it will help you better remember and think about it

11. 555x5 Method 

Wright down what you want 55 times for 5 days

12. Manifestation Jar

Wright something down and put it in a jar, everything you want can be in this jar

13. Subliminals

This will program your mind to help you keep going and get what you want

Have you gotten what you want yet?


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