Platforms need to do better

Way too many platforms let users attack and abuse their creators. They let people say horrible things in the comments of people's posts, and when people try to defend themselves they get removed and a warning for it. 
I have been told my voice is weird and sometimes when I tell them off for being rude my comment gets removed and I get a warning. I have been told so many worse things too, I have been called slurs, been told to kill myself, that I will burn in hell. These people almost never get banned for the horrible things they say. I have seen other people get banned for far less than that. Why are so many platforms not caring about the safety of their creators? Do they not care if someone ends up dead because of the abuse? When will this change? When will they start caring? When will we stop seeing these horrible comments from people? I am sick and tired of the abuse. Even when I block someone, someone else will come and say some other horrible things to me. Turning off comments only stop the engagement and I will get less views. Platforms need to do better. Especially if they want people to keep using their apps.


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