SquishyMain Q&A

 Here is a Q&A for questions i get asked at lot or just questions that make sense for this type of thing.

  • Q: Why did you start YouTube?

A: I want to help people and give people something to watch when they have nothing else to watch

  • Q: What is your gender?

A: I am a man, he/him

  • Q: How old are you?

A: I was born in 2001 so you do the math with whatever year it is you are reading this

  • Q: Will you ever quit YouTube?

A: Yes, no one wants me around anyways

  • Q: Why did you choose to make videos about video games?

A: It's easy making videos about games and i grew up playing video games

  • Q: What is your favorite game?

A: I don't know if i can choose, there are too many good ones, but i could name some that i love: Light Bearers, Monster Prom, Minecraft, Plants VS Zombies, ect.

  • Q: What is/are your favorite book(s)?

A: Lord Of The Rings, Ever After High Monster High The Legend Of Shadow High

  • Q: What is your favorite music?

A: I have too many favorite songs, i would be here all day listing them all and it would take up the entire post.

  • Q: Are you autistic

A: Yes

  • Q: What is your favorite season?

A: Autumn ๐Ÿ‚

  • Q: What is your favorite holiday?

A: Halloween๐ŸŽƒ

  • Q: Why do you sound weird?

A: What is a weird or normal voice? I didn't choose to sound like this, everyone sounds different

  • Q: Are you a robot?

A: No, of course not, i am a real person with feelings so you should think before asking trash like that

  • Q: Do you use an AI voice?

A: I don't as of making this post but i might if people won't stop being rude to me for no reason

  • Q: Are You sick?

A: I rarely get sick, so no.

  • Q: What are/is your favorite show(s)?

A: Haunting Of Hillhouse,

  • Q: Are you depressed?

A: Of course i am. Why wouldn't i feel like shit when everyone is always giving me shit for things i can't control

  • Q: What is/are your favorite movie(s)?

A: Lord Of The Rings, Princess and The Frog, Tangled, Monster High Boo York Boo York,

  • Q: What is/are your favorite Anime(s) and/or Manga(s)?

A: Fullmetal Alchemist

  • Q: Do you smoke?

A: No.

  • Q: Do you believe in a god/gods?

A: No

  • Q: Who is/are your favorite YouTuber(s)?

A: Markiplier, Jacksepticeye,

  • Q: What is your sexuality?
A: Pan Ace

  • Q: Are you a witch?

A: Yes

  • Q: Are you being held at gunpoint?

A: No, why the hell would i be?

  • Q: Are you stupid?

A: Yes, of course i am

  • Q: Why do you sound like a girl?

A: What does a girl sound like?

Post in the comments any questions you want to ask!! (Some answers might be changed or edited later)


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