Things People Always Say But Are Complete Lies

 These are things a lot of people say but these things are complete bullshit. 

1. Practice Makes Perfect

No, it doesn't. I have been playing video games basically all my life (i was born in 2001) yet i am still horrible at them. 

2. All That Matter Is You Tried/Do Your Best

Someone could try their hardest to save someone's life and they still die, so no trying your hardest isn't all that matters.

3. All Your Dreams Will Come True If You Try Hard Enough 

I have tried so hard to get what I want but I got nowhere. I never got anywhere even close to getting what I dreamed of.

4. You Should Never Give Up

Some things are not worth going after, especially after failing so many times. 

5. If You Really Want Something You Will Get It

Not always, you have to do more than just want something, but even then you might not always get it.

6. If At First You Don't Succeed Try Harder

Some things aren't worth the time and effort. Like if you don't convince someone of something and you keep trying then it will most likely just push them away. 

7. If You Want It Done Right Do It Yourself 

You don't know everything and you don't know how to do everything, so sometimes it's better to call someone for help with something.

8. Money Can't Buy Happiness 

If you have money then you can buy something you like and makes you happy. So therefore you can buy happiness. 

9. No Pain No Gain

Maybe for some things but not for everything. Some people don't have to do shit to gain anything. Some people are born into wealth, they didn't work to get that money. 

10. Time Heals All Wounds 

If time healed all wounds then there wouldn't be so much misery in this world. 

11. Good Things Will Come To Those Who Wait

I have been waiting for years yet still haven't gotten a lot of things, I have tried for years to get things and still nothing. 

12. There Is Always Someone Who Cares About You

What if they don't know anyone or all the people they know seem to not act like they care? You can't care about someone you have no idea about. 

13. How Do You Know You Won't Like It If You Don't Try?/You Need To Try It To Know If You'll Like It Or Not

Some people just know. Like when it comes to food you can just smell it and know you won't like it. Or a TV Show or movie you can just look at the cover or read what it's about and know you won't like it. I have known before trying, i am pretty much always right about it. 


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