
Showing posts from January, 2024

Discontinued And Controversial Toys That Showed Up In The Barbie Movie (and ones that didn't show up in the movie)

 So after seeing the Barbie movie some people might be wondering what are all the discontinued and controversial Barbie toys? Some of these toys showed up in the Barbie Movie. Alla n Allen was introduced in 1964 as Ken's  best friend.   In 1992, Alan and Midge dolls were featured in booklets holding baby twins. They were wearing casual, matching outfits, with Midge holding their baby girl and Alan holding their baby boy. Alen showed up here and there through the years but didn't show up too much.  Barbie and Tanner Barbie and Tanner were  released in 2006  and discontinued in 2010, They were  discontinued because Tanner had magnet poop, and with every kid's thing there will be kids who will eat it and magnets are one of the worst things to eat.  Pregnant Midge  She came out in 2002, and parents hated that kids would play with a pregnant doll, they thought kids would want to get pregnant just because they had a doll who was pregnant. When that...

Think Before Saying Things | "Before you speak ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful. If the answer is no, maybe what you are about to say should be left unsaid." - Bernard Meltzer

 You should always think before saying things.  Some things can hurt people, some things can be unhelpful, some things are straight-up lies, and some things are just unnecessary. They are better off never being said.  Is it true? Lies hurt  Is it kind? Hate hurts Is it necessary? Some things are just better off not being said Is it helpful?  Some things aren't helpful so it's not needed

How To Make Someone A Mod (Or VIP) On Twitch

It's pretty easy to make someone a mod or vip.  All you need to do is go to your chat (the one on your channel), then you need to type "/mod [username]" or for VIP "/vip [username]". But of course without the "" and you need to put the username of the person you want to make mod or VIP.  Like for example if i was going to make someone mod i would type: /mod SquishyMainYT (Of course i can't make myself mod but this is just an example.) Or if i was going to make someone VIP i would type: /vip SquishyMainYT (Again i can't make myself VIP its just an example.)

Quotes people should live by

 Quotes everyone should follow... Doctor Who Quotes โ€œThereโ€™s no point in being grown up if you canโ€™t be childish sometimes.โ€ The Fourth Doctor โ€œYou want weapons? Weโ€™re in a library! The best weapons in the world!โ€ The Tenth Doctor โ€œNever be cruel. Never be cowardly. Hate is always foolish. Love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.โ€ The Twelfth Doctor โ€œLives change worlds. People can save planets or wreck them. Thatโ€™s the choice. Be the best of humanity.โ€ The Thirteenth Doctor โ€œWeโ€™re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?โ€ The Eleventh Doctor โ€œI could show you everything if you stop being afraid of what you donโ€™t understand.โ€ The Thirteenth Doctor โ€œSome people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. Itโ€™s not the time that matters, itโ€™s the person.โ€ The Tenth Doctor โ€œIn 900 years of time and space, Iโ€™ve never met anyone who wasnโ€™t importantโ€ The Eleventh Doctor โ€œCourage isnโ€™t just a matter of not being frightened, you know. Itโ€™s be...