Avoid These Types Of "Friends"

 Everyone or at least most people want friends, right? But not everyone is worth being friends with, not everyone wants to be your friend, some people just want to use you. 

1. The Friend Who Disrespects Your Core Values
Friends who don't care about your values don't actually care about you as a person

2. The Friend Who Has to be Better Than You in Everything
If they are actually your friend they wouldn't care about being better than you. 

3. The Friend Who Is Always Complaining
Complainers are so annoying, save yourself the stress.

4. The Friend Who Holds Onto Grudges
Grudges aren't great when they are supposed to be your friend especially when you already said sorry and made it up to them.

5. The Energy Vampire
Drain, drain, drain, they take all your energy and you end up burnt out every time you are around them.

6. The Disappearing Act A.K.A The Friend Who Is Never There 
They are never there and when they are they somehow disappear. It's bad when you actually needed them at that time. 

7. The Taker
All they do is take take take and never give back, obviously the point of being friends isn't to get something back but it's not great when all they do is take. 

8. The Guilt Tripper
Guilt tripping isn't fun, if you don't want to feel horrible all the time then you better stay away from these people.

9. The Friend Who Secretly Hates You
It's kinda hard to know when someone secretly hates you, but it's better to know than to be friends with a hater. 

10. The Competitor
Constantly competing can be really exhausting. 

11. The Promise Breaker
Now everyone makes mistakes and might break a promise here or there but when it's all the time then it's a big problem, you can't rely on these people. 

12. The Gossip
If they gossip about others then they gossip about you too. Avoid at all costs.

13. The Critizizor
This person always has something bad to say about you and other people. Save yourself. 

14. The Jealous One

This person is always jealous about something, if it's not your shoes then it's your bag.

15. The Friend Who Doesn't Respect Your Boundaries
Everyone has boundaries, if they don't respect them then they can f off. 

16. The Friend Who Gaslights You
Gaslighting is a form of abuse and manipulation, no one should have to deal with that. 

17. The Friend Who Never Reaches Out To You
Are they even your friend if they don't talk to you?

18. The Friend Who Doesn't Respect Your Time
This friend is a time waster and they want you to do one thing when you are busy with other things at the time.

19. The Friend Who Judges You For Your Goals
Everyone has goals and dreams, if they crush them then crush your "friendship".

20. The "I'm Just Being Honest" Friend
These people are usually really rude and they call it honesty.

21. The Friend Who Doesn't Respect Your Identities
Whether it be your gender, sexuality, or whatever, if they don't respect you for who you are then leave them behind. 

22. The Friend Who Is Only Around When They Need Something
This is like the taker, they only want things from you.

23. The Friend Who Invalidates Your Feelings
If they don't respect how you feel then they aren't your friend. 

24. Theyโ€™re talking bad about you behind your back (and talk badly about people you care about)
If all they do is talk trash about you and people you like then leave them. 

25. The Blamer
These people love to point the finger at everyone but themselves. 

Do you have any friends like these? Save your time and energy, give yourself the peace you deserve.


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