Things People Say But Are Complete Lies

Things people say but are complete lies...

1. Trauma Builds Character/Trauma Makes You Stronger 
Most of the time trauma makes people worse, not stronger. Trauma makes people depressed, makes people want to die, makes people question themselves, makes people feel like they are crazy, etc, people shouldn't have to go through this stuff to be strong or be seen as strong. 

2. It's Just A Joke!!
Usually when people say this it's when someone is bullying someone. Bullying isn't funny or a joke, bullying is cruel and horrible. 

3. It Will Get Better
It doesn't always get better, sometimes it actually gets worse. Sometimes it stays the same. but usually it seems to get worse. 

4. You Can't Be Moral Without God
That is the biggest lie ever, i and so many people are good people without believing in a god or gods. Stop spreading this horrible idea.

5. You Will Never Get Anywhere With _____ Job
I have seen this one so many times with different kinds of jobs... like when someone wants to be a youtuber/streamer people always say it's not a real job or you won't get anywhere with it when many people have shown that you can get somewhere. Sure it will be hard but any job can be hard.

6. Men Don't Like Women Who ___
I have seen this said too many times about multiple things. 
"Men don't like women with tattoos."
"Men don't like women with dyed hair."
"Men don't like women with cats."
Like shut up women don't care what you want, women do these things for themselves not for you.

7. Sugar Makes Kids Hyper
There is no proof that sugar makes kids hyper. Scientists said so many times that it doesn't happen. If anything sugar makes people sleepy, it slows people down. Also, it's only America with this stupid myth, other places don't really follow this bs. 

8. Vaccines Cause ____ or Vaccines Do ____
So for normal people, we know that vaccines are to help you, protect you, try to save you. But some people are just stupid and they think stupid things. 
"vaccines cause autism"
"vaccines put a microchip in you"
How the hell would vaccines make someone autistic, how would they change how your brain is wired? Why would they need to put a microchip in you if you walk around with a phone everywhere with you? Your phone is your microchip.  

9. Autistic People Have No Emotions
Speaking of autism, there are so many lies people believe about autistic people. Of course we have feelings and emotions, why the hell wouldn't we? 

10. Media Makes People Violent
People were violent way before the media was made, it was way more violent before the media was made. Some people are just horrible no matter what they do or what they see. 

I just want less lies in the world.


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