Why You Shouldn't Try Love Spells On Other People

 I don't know why i even have to explain this, it should be obvious. 

I want to start with saying putting a love spell on yourself isn't the same as putting a love spell on other people. 

Putting a love spell on yourself to attract love or using a love spell on yourself to help you love yourself more isn't bad, attracting love isn't the same a putting spells on others. Putting love spells on others is you not caring about their consent or their feelings. You can't just force people to love you, it's not real love. If you care about their consent or their feelings then don't force them to like you. If you want real love you have to look for it, not force it. 

You wouldn't want other people trying to force you to do something you wouldn't want to do right? So you shouldn't do it to other people. Consent is important, people's feelings are important, so don't act like they aren't. 


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