
Showing posts from April, 2023

What does every Tarot Card mean?

  Every card has its meaning...  The Fool Meaning Upright: innocence, new beginnings, free spirit Reversed: recklessness, taken advantage of, inconsideration The Magician Meaning Upright: willpower, desire, creation, manifestation  Reversed: trickery, illusions, out of touch The High Priestess Meaning Upright: intuitive, unconscious, inner voice  Reversed: lack of center, lost inner voice, repressed feelings The Empress Meaning Upright: motherhood, fertility, nature Reversed: dependence, smothering, emptiness, nosiness The Emperor Meaning Upright: authority, structure, control, fatherhood  Reversed: tyranny, rigidity, coldness The Hierophant Meaning Upright: tradition, conformity, morality, ethics  Reversed: rebellion, subversiveness, new approaches The Lovers Meaning Upright: partnerships, duality, union Reversed: loss of balance, one-sidedness, disharmony The Chariot Meaning Upright: direction, control, willpower Reversed: lack of control, lack of directi...

What Are Tarot Cards?

 Lots of people misunderstand what tarot cards are, i want to help make people not be so ignorant about this topic. Some like to claim they are evil, some like to claim they do this or that, and some claim they are for this or that. But what are they really for? What do they really mean? Are they evil? How can a deck of cards be evil? (Spoiler: they aren't evil) The tarot is a pack of playing cards, used from at least the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play card games such as Tarocchini. Tarocchini are point trick-taking tarot card games popular in Bologna, capital city of the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy and has been confined mostly to this area. The original purpose of tarot cards was to play games. A very cursory explanation of rules for a tarot-like deck is given in a manuscript by Martiano da Tortona before 1425. Vague descriptions of game play or game terminology follow for the next two centuries until the earliest known complete description of rules for a F...

How to cleanse Tarot Cards (and when you should cleanse them)

  When should you cleanse your Tarot Deck? When you first get it Each time you do a reading When someone else uses it or touches them If you've traveled with it If the connection feels off Ways to cleanse tarot decks. Crystals (Selenite, Clear quartz, Black tourmaline, Amethyst) Smoke/Incense Salt (Salt bath) Moonlight (Moon bath, under the full mood) Shuffling Sunlight (Sun bath) Meditate Fresh Air Pack the cards up with bay leaves Knocking Breath Visualization Sound SIMPLE BLESSING FOR TAROT CARDS โ€œBlessed Ones in whom I live, move, and have my being. From you all things emerge and unto You they do return. I ask this day for these cards to be blessed with clarity, love, and wisdom. I ask for Clarity so that what I see and what I show to others is clear, makes sense, is transparent, accessible, and easy to understand. I ask for Clarity so that these cards work as the mirrors that they truly are โ€“ reflecting back to myself and to others the deepest truths which are a...

The History of Tarot Cards

  To help stop misinformation I wanted to add more to this topic. Too many people don't know what tarot cards are and don't know were they came from or how it started... Playing cards first entered Europe in the late 14th century, but the origin is unknown. The first records date to 1367 in Berne and they appear to have spread very rapidly across the whole of Europe, as may be seen from the records, mainly of card games being banned. Little is known about the appearance and number of these cards; the only significant information being provided by a text by John of Rheinfelden in 1377 from Freiburg im Breisgau, who, in addition to other versions describes the basic pack as containing the still-current 4 suits of 13 cards, the courts usually being the King, Ober and Unter ("marshals"), although Dames and Queens were already known by then. One early pattern of playing cards that evolved was one with the suits of Batons or Clubs, Coins, Swords, and Cups. These suits are s...

How To Attract Fairies Part 3: Spring Cleaning To Help Bring In Fairies

  De-clutter (donate old clothes) Organize  Vacuum Wash your windows (open them too for fresh air) Go Green Wash your cabinets Clean the fridge Clean the oven Clean bedding Clean the microwave Organize the junk drawer Wash your curtains Throw away expired cosmetics Clean your makeup brushes Dust your shelves and desk (ceiling fan, light fixtures) Clean kids toys (and other toys) Kill any bugs or let them outside  Clean your washing machine/De-fuzz the dryer Disinfect your electronics Organize and clean purses/bags Clean your vacuum Wash your broom Wash trash cans  Wipe down outdoor furniture Clean the shower/bath Clean your shoes Clean Your Mattress Clean under your bed and sofa Clean out your closet Clean your sinks Clean Dishwasher Clean Garbage Disposal Clean the Bathroom Fan Check Your Smoke and CO2 Detectors Clean Sliding Door Tracks and window sills Clean your door (and other outside things) Clean the gutters  Clean the grill

How To Attract Fairies Part 2: What not to do if you want fairies around you

  Donโ€™t hang horseshoes above your doors Donโ€™t put iron anywhere you want the fairies to visit/reside  There shouldnโ€™t be any salt sprinkled around your house or in the garden (the exception here is the Slavic hearth spirit the Domovoi, who actually prefers salt as an offering) Deep, loud bells arenโ€™t preferred and sometimes scare the garden fairies away (it reminds them of church bells to which they hate) No clergymen should reside in the home (fairies are known not to get along with officials from the church) If youโ€™re lazy, the fairies might get annoyed with you NEVER insult the fae, they can turn on you Donโ€™t give your typical household elves like brownies any clothingโ€ฆthey will leave Donโ€™t thank them for their help or presence DO NOT try to capture any fairies Don't wear clothes inside out (apparently, they hate this) Fairies hate cigarette smoke Fairies hate bad energy

How To Attract Fairies

  1. A Garden (its easier to meet or see fairies in nature) plants (Moss and Bark) flowers (Coneflower, Jasmine, Violets, Foxglove, Bluebell, Marigold, Rosemary, Daisy, Lavander.) herbs water crystals (quartz, Amethyst, Chiastolite, Pyrite, Apache Tears, Citrine, Aquamarine, Celestite, Tree Agate) rocks Petrified wood water fountain shiny, sparkly things (crystals and jewelry) shrines/altars  attract animals and bugs too (butterflies, dragonflies, birds, bees, squirrels, etc) make a fairy garden with a fairy house don't use household garden products that are full of chemicals and pesticides because faeries find them to be a repellent 2. Food milk candy cream butter fruit honey wine sweet baked goods 3. Be kind to wildlife and the earth Recycle Reuse whenever you can Be considerate of all life forms Support the efforts of others to save our wildlife and environment 4. Give Them Some Space Dot be pushy Let them take their time 5....