How To Spot A Witch
I see this question a lot. People think spotting a witch is easy or obvious. But it's not really easy. Witches look and act like everyone else. Witches are just normal people, the only difference is that witches do witchcraft. So you can't really look at someone and just say "that's a witch" because that isn't how it works. Just like you can just look at someone and say "that's a gamer". Sure they could wear something that has a witch symbol or a shirt with a video game on it but that doesn't mean they play that game or know what the symbol is. There are a few things that is common among witches, but again not all witches do this or look like this, and not everyone who looks like this or does these things are witches... Witches are people who do magic, you can't be a witch without doing magic, this is the only thing you need to do to be a witch. So if you know they do witchcraft then you know they are a witch. Other than that there isn...